I offer sound healing because I deeply believe in its potential to facilitate profound healing and transformation

The soothing vibrations of

Sound healing

By incorporating sound healing into my practice, I can provide my clients with a holistic approach that addresses their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The soothing vibrations and resonant tones of sound instruments create a nurturing space for relaxation, the release of emotional blockages, and restoration of inner balance. Witnessing the positive impact of sound healing on my own life, I am committed to sharing this modality with others to support their healing journey and foster their overall well-being.

What is sound healing?

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

It is based on the principle that sound has the power to influence our bodies, minds, and energy systems. This ancient practice has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world.

Sound healing can be administered through various techniques and instruments, including singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, and human voice. The sounds produced by these instruments create vibrations that resonate with different parts of the body, including cells, tissues, organs, and energy centers (chakras). It is believed that when these vibrations are in harmony and balanced, they can help restore health and promote a state of deep relaxation and well-being.

The practice of sound healing works on multiple levels. On a physical level, sound vibrations can stimulate circulation, reduce muscle tension, and support the body’s natural healing processes. They can also induce a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving sleep quality. Emotionally, sound healing can help release emotional blockages, promote self-awareness, and create a sense of inner peace. Spiritually, the practice is often used to facilitate meditation, enhance intuition, and connect with higher states of consciousness.

How does it best help?


Sound therapy can help with a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Here are some areas where sound therapy has been found to be beneficial:

Individual or Group

Sound Healing Session

Sound healing sessions can be conducted individually or in a group. During a session, I use crystal sound bowls, tuning forks, chimes and guided visual meditation to encourage you to relax, listen, and allow the vibrations to penetrate your body and energy fields. The experience is often described as deeply calming and transformative, with individuals reporting feelings of clarity, balance, and a heightened sense of well-being.

What is a Sound Bath?


Sound baths have gained in popularity, and you might be wondering what happens during a sound bath.  Crystal bowls and other instruments are used to create soothing tones and vibrations. Participants lie down or sit in a relaxed position while the bowls are played, allowing the sound and vibrations to wash over them. Hence the term “sound bath.” The resonant tones are believed to promote relaxation, balance energy, and induce a meditative state. The experience can help release stress, tension, and promote a sense of well-being.

Sound therapy Supports

Grief Healing

Sound therapy can be beneficial in the process of grief healing by providing a supportive and comforting environment for individuals experiencing grief. Here are a few ways in which it can aid in grief healing:

It’s important to note that grief is a deeply personal and complex process, and sound therapy is not a cure or a replacement for professional grief counseling or therapy. However, it can be a supportive complement to traditional approaches, providing a soothing and nurturing environment for individuals to navigate their grief and find moments of solace and healing.

How it Sounds

Let me introduce you to sound therapy

I offer private, group and public sound therapy sessions created to address your specific needs. To learn more you may contact me  for more information or visit my Facebook page for my sound bath schedule. 

Stress Reduction

Sound therapy promotes deep relaxation, reducing stress levels and supporting overall well-being. The soothing sounds and vibrations can calm the nervous system, ease tension, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress-related disorders.


Pain Management

The vibrations and frequencies produced during sound therapy can stimulate the release of endorphins, our body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals. This can help alleviate chronic pain, migraines, and other physical discomforts.

Sleep Disorders

Sound therapy promotes a state of relaxation and can improve sleep quality. The calming sounds and vibrations can help individuals fall asleep faster, experience deeper sleep, and alleviate insomnia or sleep-related difficulties.

Emotional Healing

Sound therapy can aid in emotional healing by providing a safe and supportive environment for emotional release and processing. It can help individuals release emotional blockages, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being and emotional balance.

Cognitive Function and Focus

Sound therapy has been shown to improve cognitive function, concentration, and focus. The sounds and vibrations can enhance mental clarity, creativity, and memory, making it beneficial for studying, work, and other cognitive tasks.

Energy Balancing

Sound therapy targets the body’s energy centers (chakras) and promotes balance and harmony in the energy system. It can help remove energetic blockages, enhance vitality, and promote a sense of overall well-being.

Mindfulness and meditation

Sound therapy can be a powerful tool for deepening mindfulness and meditation practices. The sounds and vibrations serve as an anchor, helping individuals stay present, relax, and reach deeper states of meditation and self-awareness.

Emotional Release

Grief is often accompanied by a range of intense emotions such as sadness, anger, and confusion. The resonant tones and vibrations produced can help individuals release and process these emotions. The soothing sounds create a safe space for emotional expression, allowing participants to acknowledge and let go of pent-up feelings.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Grief can take a toll on both the mind and body, leading to increased stress and tension. Sound therapy induces a deep state of relaxation, activating the body’s relaxation response and reducing stress levels. This relaxation can help individuals find moments of peace and calm amidst the grieving process.

Support for the Nervous System

The vibrations and frequencies can positively impact the nervous system. The gentle vibrations can help regulate the autonomic nervous system, which controls our bodies’ stress response. By promoting a sense of relaxation and balance, sound therapy can support the nervous system during the challenging process of grief.

Connection and Unity

Grief can sometimes make individuals feel isolated or disconnected from others. Participating in a sound bath or group sound therapy session creates a shared experience. The communal aspect of the practice can foster a sense of connection, unity, and understanding among participants who may be going through similar emotions and experiences.

Mindfulness and Presence

Sound therapy can serve as a mindfulness tool, guiding individuals to be present in the moment. The sounds and vibrations can help anchor attention to the present experience, allowing individuals to temporarily set aside worries about the past or future. This presence can offer a respite from the intensity of grief and provide a space for self-reflection and healing.